A bespoke analysis of your home to unlock the exact remedies your living space needs to support you in a life of more abundance and prosperity.

Discover what’s really going on in your home with a step by step guide to enhance all areas of your life including your health, your wealth and your relationships. 

This is the most powerful way to get rid of negative energy, shift any stagnant energy that might be lingering and welcome in a more powerful energy that’s aligned to your dreams of the future.

If you’ve been feeling blocked for a while and your home just seems to emphasise the unsteadiness in your life, rather than support you - the Home Analysis is perfect for you.


You feel the energy in your home is affecting parts of your life like your health, your relationships with your partner or children, your finances and the overall happiness of your home. 


You have already had a go at adding some remedies into your home but you want to make some big changes, fast.


There is lots of bickering and arguing in your household and you want to know exactly what to do to make your home feel calmer and more harmonious. 


You have been experiencing some challenges with your health and you want to see how shifting the energy can help support you on your wellness journey. 


Money is a constant stress in your life - either you can’t seem to make enough or as soon as you make money it seems to disappear!

Kimberley will help you to unblock stagnant energy, absorb the bad energy and create the most beautiful and effervescent positive energy to create a feeling of abundance you have never experienced before.

Just imagine for a moment,

how it would feel to finally find the solutions to the obstacles you have been experiencing …

X headaches 
X aches and pains 
X inflammation 
X arguments and constant bickering with your husband
X anxious children worrying about school 
X disrupted sleep 
X uneasiness, anxiety and apprehension 
X depression 
X financial worries 
X restlessness 

If you’re ready to make some big shifts in your life and you want to know exactly how Feng Shui can support you

- you’re in the right place

Inside the Home Analysis Kimberley will provide you with an in-depth bespoke analysis of your home so that you can find out exactly what’s being blocked and put specific remedies in place so that you and your home are supported every step of the way. She will take out all guess-work and complexity so that you know exactly what you need to do in the simplest way possible to have the biggest impact on the energy in your home.


Feng Shui is the missing piece of the manifesting process and will support you to create more wealth, better health, improved relationships and a happier and more content home.


 She gets it - she has been there

She is not someone you would call particularly spiritual but in 2020 when she stumbled across the ancient art of Feng Shui she was curious, despite thinking it was a little too woo-woo. 

Once Kimberley started looking into it and discovered that so many corporate institutions, like huge hotel brands, were incorporating Feng Shui into their strategy as well as incredibly successful entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey, she knew she had to learn more! 

 The first thing she did was undergo a full home analysis to test it out herself. She also set the intention for her new business to flow with ease, to work with incredible clients and become financially secure after leaving her successful teaching career. 

Three months after starting her new business from scratch,

she was fully booked, charging more than the market average and  was working with the most incredible women, helping them to achieve a life of ease and success. 

Kimberley is now living on the Gold Coast in Australia after relocating from the UK with her family, running her business completely remotely and helping women from around the world unlock the most beautiful positive energy into their homes.  She has been featured as the Feng Shui Expert on the flagship daytime TV Programme ‘This Morning’ in the UK and ‘The Morning Show’ on Channel 7 in Australia. 

Whether you are brand new to Feng Shui or you’ve dabbled in it before - Kimberley can guide you through this magical practice and help you implement remedies into your home in the

most subtle but powerful way possible.

Introducing the

Home Analysis

from the feng shui flow

It is absolutely possible for you to have it all -

a successful and prosperous career, a thriving business, a happy and balanced family life, and great health.

You deserve to have it all. 

Feng Shui Flow Analysis
One time
For 3 months

Have a full Feng Shui Analysis of your home

Full Home Analysis Report 

Links to preferred suppliers

12 bitesize videos to help you implement the remedies to your home with ease

Key Features

What you get

A detailed report of what is going on in your home, why it is creating blocks and how this can be showing up in your day to day life. 


A step by step bespoke checklist of the exact remedies you need to implement into your home.


Links to preferred suppliers so that you can get your hands on the remedies easily and affordably.


12 bitesize videos to help you implement the suggested remedies with ease.

  • "As if the positives in my health isn’t good enough, 5 weeks ago I secured a new job, which felt like a miracle after being made redundant. But guess what? Last week they offered me a promotion to Director in the organisation! Alongside this exciting milestone, my salary has significantly increased, which has undoubtedly taken away the financial pressures."

    Happy Client

  • "Each week something excellent happens. I have been offered two jobs, and I didn’t even have to leave the house. I paid my tax return and they gave it back to me two days later. And my visitors are staying less often and for fewer nights. Everything is flowing so nicely. I’m looking forward to what comes next. Thanks for all your wonderful help."

    Happy Client

  • "I am naturally sensitive and being a healer more so. I honestly don’t know how I managed before the analysis last year. It really has changed our lives. Thank you much for introducing this to us all."

    Happy Client

  • "I'm excited to say that the remedies I implemented last November have transformed our home! Fast forward to the start of January, a temp HR position came up literally 5 mins from where I live (I've wanted to switch from marketing to HR for years). I applied and started within 2 days, and then within 2 weeks I was offered a permanent role! Not only is the team and company amazing, and I'm now doing a job that I love, but I'm earning more money than I ever earned in marketing - and I had been doing it for 15 years! I can't thank you enough as I'm convinced Feng Shui brought this opportunity into my life. "

    Happy Client


  • You will need to provide your full address, your floor plans and a photograph of the front and back of your house along with the year your home was built and any extensions made to your house.

  • You can draw them on graph paper as long as they are to scale.

  • Once I’ve received the relevant information from you you will receive your Home Analysis within 14 working days.

  • No. Kimberley specialises in helping clients make changes in the most subtle way possible without knocking down walls, moving entire rooms etc.

Still here?

If you’re ready to make a change and start feeling the huge impact of positive energy into your home - the time is now.